2ml Bdo empty stomach, put the liquid in two capsules 25 min onset
- First effect is the sedation to legs (seems like restless legs)
- Just after that a mental dissociation kicked in
- Slowly entering the highness
T 00:30
- Feeling the euphoria increasing
- Feeling the music appreciation increasing
- Mental dissociation still grows up, but it’s not that strong
T 00:35
- Increased sociability
- I want to say more bullshits
T 00:45
- Music is lovely
- i am more dishinibited
T 00:50
- Feeling some stomachs’ cramps
- Body feelings are more sedating, tingles, more comfy with my body
- I love music even more now
T 00:60
- Mental dissociation is the same as before
- Nothing so relevant and strong
- Slow movement vision
T 01:12 -Nothing special i think a redose would be good tho T 01:30
- Redosed 1ml
T 02:00 -Body feelings pleasant: i feel more sedated and more relaxed both physically and mentally T 02:20
- Vision is fucked up for real
- Music appreciation enhanced
T 02:50
- Redosed 1,5ml
- Fucking slow vision. Nothing else.
T 03:00 -Nothing new. I expected more mental and physical euphoria. T 03:13 -Feeling the redosing effects: more headspace (disso like and my eyes hardly can focus on smth and follow it)
- Body feelings are getting great: more tingling and more comfortable sensation>
- Now i feel for real the good high i expected: bodyhigh, mental fuckness
T 04:10
- I got a very deep sleepy feeling. Like i cant jeep my eyes opened and I would really like to lay me down and sleep. (But I dont want to cuz I wanna enjoy this high)
- Body feelings got more relevant and pleasant. Still that it is not much part of the total high.
Conclusion: hangover like hell. Restless legs, residual stimulation and it’s difficult to sleep.